Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to conduct a Literature Review [VIDEO]


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Agile Scrum: James Grenning - The Father of Planning Poker

Planning Poker is a tool for estimating user stories on software development projects. It is a technique that minimizes anchoring by asking each team member to play their estimate card such that it cannot be seen by the other players. After each player has selected a card, all cards are exposed at once.  Here is a good planning poker website I've used when working with distributed teams.  http://www.planningpoker.com/ Try it out...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Complexity Theory for Design & Process

"Complexity Theory for Design & Process," turned out to be another good course in my pursuit of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Engineering.  The course was broken down into 5 distinct components: Defining and Measuring Complexity Modeling Complexity Managing Complexity Reducing Complexity Application (Examples of applying to different disciplines) Of the five components, we spent a considerable amount...